Countdown to Your Baby’s Arrival
What is 9 months from now?
Your baby is due in about 9 months! You’ve probably counted your pregnancy months by now, calculating the days and weeks until your little one arrives. The ninth month of pregnancy begins at 30 weeks. Your due date is approximately 40 weeks after your last menstrual period, but it is actually considered full-term at 37 weeks. So don’t be surprised if you give birth sooner than expected!
The ninth month is the beginning of your baby’s rapid growth. Now that your baby weighs about 4 pounds, her lungs are almost fully developed and she gains 1 ounce every day. She may hiccup in utero, so if you feel a few quick movements in your belly, don’t be alarmed! This is simply the way in which your baby practices breathing. She is also putting in practice the sucking and swallowing skills she will need once she is born, so don’t be surprised if you feel some occasional light flutters in your belly when she sucks her thumb or fingers.
Although the ninth month is pretty busy for you, it’s important to continue taking care of yourself!
Baby’s Growth in Ninth Month
Your baby will continue to gain weight rapidly during this month, putting on about 1/2 – 1 pound. She has already gained about 1/2 pound since her last visit. Although she’s not kicking as much as she did during the seventh and eighth months, you may notice that her hiccups are more frequent now. You can expect to gain even more weight this month, with swelling in your feet becoming common.
Baby’s movement will become stronger and more frequent in the ninth month, but your skin is sure to feel her most active movements. She can still move about freely and is capable of turning and changing positions. Her head has grown large enough that she’s very unlikely to try turning at this point: you’re safe from the dreaded breech position!
Baby will be able to hear your voice and other sounds much more clearly in the ninth month. You can use this to your advantage, talking and reading to her frequently. She’ll also be able to distinguish between different sounds and may even respond to familiar songs.
Development of Baby’s Brain
Your baby will continue developing cells that become important for brain functions and will develop neurons rapidly. She’s also starting to learn how to use these cells and neurons for important functions, such as regulating her heart rate. Your baby can now even smell objects that are placed on the amniotic sac!
Although your baby is unlikely to respond much through touch in this month, she’s slowly adding more nerves from her skin into her brain. This is an important step in your baby’s development.
Your Body in Ninth Month
The ninth month of pregnancy brings with it many changes to your body and mind, and you’re sure to notice some new complaints in this period! Joint pains and digestive issues may begin to arise as your muscles and ligaments become more stretched and sensitive. You may also start to feel more short of breath during any activity.
Your digestive system will continue to slow down in the ninth month, and you’re likely to experience heartburn and constipation as your baby presses on your stomach. Your tired mind may welcome this however, because it means your little one is getting close!
You should plan for increased visits to the doctor this month, as you’re getting close to your due date. The doctor will check your baby’s weight, heartbeat and growth regularly.
The ninth month of pregnancy is full of excitement, but it may also bring some discomfort or inconvenience. Be sure to plan for the possible interruption in your usual activities and be extra careful with any manual labor you do during this time. It’s almost time for your little one to join you!